Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God
-1 Corinthians 2:12
Simplifying Your Domestic Church is a spiritual journal to help families declutter, organize and simplify their lives. It is available in print and a downloadable pdf format. Click on the link above for more details
"My Catholic Charlotte Mason group is using Simplifying Your Domestic Church (which meets this Friday and every first Friday) and will take one chapter a month to discuss with the ladies. We are excited! I think I was the only one who hadn't printed it out yet. Thanks and God bless! "
- Sarah, ND
"I bought your book and have enjoyed it a great deal. The personal tone and very clean look as well as the helpful worksheets make it a pleasure to read and use. I am planning a major decluttering project for the summer because I am expecting a tenth baby in September. I crave clean, simple, uncluttered space!"
- Melissa, CO
"Thank you for your beautiful e-book. It inspired me very much as I was discerning a call to homeschooling. We have since decided to homeschool our children."
- Rachel, WI
"I just wanted to thank you for your words of wisdom and to tell you that our family has really taken to heart so much of what you said. With my husband in tow, we took advantage of the baby's nap times, reduced our storage by about husband and I also consolidated four closets of our clothes, down to just two, organized closets, one each. We gave away six BIG bags of clothing! I know that we have a long way to go to have a truly simplified domestic church, but we are making progress and feeling the spiritual and familial benefits along the way."
- Susan, VA
"I used your weekly menu planner and grocery list this week. LOVE IT! The menu is up on my fridge and it just makes everything so much simpler. It is going to be especially useful when we have the baby and friends/babysitter are taking care of the children while I'm in the hospital. So thank you once again!"
- Mary, VA
"Thank you, Abby. The guidance from your book helped me get through this Christmas season so much better."
- Cheryl, VA
"Simplifying Your Domestic Church is a must read and read again for anyone wanting to focus on establishing peace and order in the home. Abby Sasscer has been gifted with the ability to eliminate the chaos and clutter in any home while impacting your spiritual life. Prior to reading Simplifying Your Domestic Church I was distracted and working harder that I needed to in order to maintain my loose systems. In short I was frustrated. Abby educates the reader on systems of management that are user friendly. Her systems can be duplicated with ease and will help both that sanguine "stash and dasher" like me ---- as well as the "Martha Stewarts" who will learn detachment from being too organized at the expense of what really matters. This book is as spiritual as it is practical. Loaded with charts, easy to read bullets, quotes from scripture and lives of the saints it is just what any homeschooling mom needs. I know I did! Thanks for sharing your gift with us Abby."
- Cynthia Sauer, VA
"I absolutely loved Abby Sasscer's Simplifying Your Domestic Church. It is beautifully written and the suggestions make sense and are easy to follow. My home is now less chaotic, and my attitude toward my domestic tasks is one of service. I have not only declutttered my home, but my heart, and find that through simplicity, it is easier to find God. I am very grateful for this book."
- Annette, Miami, FL
"Abby Sasscer's book is truly inspiring! My husband gave it to me for Mother's Day! It is a beautiful and practical book with many ideas and tips but not cluttered as with many decluttering books! The quotes from saints and points to consider section makes detaching from material things "an opportunity to exercise virtue rather than a chore." Thank you for writing this book."
- Sherry, VA
"It has already helped transform our domestic church. Actually the transformation has been pretty dramatic. I take many of your faith-filled suggestions to heart and the fruits have been wonderful. I love how you differentiate between decluttering and detaching. I am recommending your journal to every homeschool mom I know. Again, I thank you from my heart."
- Marie, IL
"This is my most relaxed Advent yet. Despite the busy-ness that comes with the season, I have much peace. Seems to have a lot to do with detachment. Abby Sasscer, thank you so much!! "
- Stef, Oh
"We have started a "stockpile" of basics for cooking and do our menu planning monthly... Abby Sasscer's E-book was a great source for ideas on planning this way. "
- Jennifer, WA