Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God
-1 Corinthians 2:12
"People are more important than things because things can never love you back."
- RJ, age 5
"From the mother of simple living comes this pleasantly illustrated book encouraging children to detach themselves from their stuff and share with others. My kids vote: 'Read it again, Mommy!'"
- Susie Lloyd, homeschooling mother of 7 and author of "Please Don't Drink The Holy Water" and "Bless Me Father For I Have Kids"
"People are more important than things because people get sad and mad. Things don't have feelings."
- Elisa, age 4
"Isn't Sophie like most of us? We love to follow our own desires unaware of how it impacts others. How gentle a lesson and sweet example to imitate Sophie. The story is inspiring on a spiritual and practical level. How awesome! "
- AnneRose, grandmother of eight and First Communion Catechist
"I learned that it's okay to like things but it's better to love people."
- Ian, age 7